Plastic-Free Ayodhya

Plastic-Free Ayodhya Campaign

Welcome to the Plastic-Free Ayodhya Campaign, a movement dedicated to eliminating plastic pollution in one of India’s most sacred cities. Join us in this transformative journey towards a cleaner and greener Ayodhya.

Role of Individuals in Creating a Plastic-Free Community

Individuals drive a plastic-free community by ditching single-use plastics, embracing recycling, and advocating for sustainable choices. Their small, daily actions create a ripple effect, fostering a cleaner and greener environment for everyone.


By minimizing our consumption of single-use plastics, we can contribute to creating a sustainable and plastic-free Ayodhya.


Supporting and participating in local recycling programs plays a vital role in reducing plastic pollution in our beloved city.


Choosing reusable alternatives, such as cloth bags and metal bottles, can significantly reduce plastic waste in Ayodhya.

Spread Awareness

Empowering others with knowledge and sharing the impact of plastic pollution helps create a collective movement towards a plastic-free Ayodhya.

Initiatives Taken by the Campaign

Community Outreach

We organize awareness drives and workshops to educate local communities about the harmful effects of plastic and promote sustainable alternatives.

Retailer Collaboration

We work closely with local businesses to encourage the use of biodegradable packaging and promote eco-friendly practices throughout Ayodhya’s markets.

Plastic Waste Management

We actively participate in waste management initiatives to ensure proper collection, segregation, and recycling of plastic waste in Ayodhya.

Call to Action for Supporting the Campaign

Join us today in our mission to make Ayodhya a plastic-free city. Together, we can preserve its spiritual heritage and create a sustainable future for generations to come. Pledge your support and be the change!